­“BeFriend Vilnius“ Terms and Conditions

“BeFriend Vilnius” is a Localship project organized by International House Vilnius (VŠĮ “Go Vilnius”, identification number: 123641468; address: Gynėjų g. 16, LT- 01109 Vilnius, Lietuva) – Vilnius city official tourism and business development agency (hereinafter – Organizer). The Localship project is organized in accordance with these “BeFriend Vilnius” terms and conditions (hereinafter – Terms).

Please read these Terms carefully before joining or participating in the Localship project. The Local and (or) the Newcomer must read and accept all the terms and conditions contained in these Terms.

  1. About the Localship project and the project scope
    1. “BeFriend Vilnius” is a Localship project aimed at expats relocating or already living in Vilnius city, asylum seekers and other newcomers, who need help taking the first steps and catch up in administrative processes (hereinafter – Project). The Project’s goals are to provide practical advice and help people to integrate into the city life quickly, to build a mutual and respectful human relationship.
    2. The Project takes place only in the city of Vilnius. With the mutual consent of the Newcomer and Local, other cities can be visited as well.
    3. The Project is indefinite. The Organizer has the right to change the Project term and end the Project at any time of its choice.
    4. This is a non-profit Project and participation in it is free of charge. Additionally, no financial help should be expected to be received from the Organizer to the Local and the Newcomer.
  2. General requirements for Project participants
    1. All Project participants (hereinafter – Newcomers) must be 18 years of age. Participants who are younger than 18 years must be accompanied by their legal guardian (parent or guardian).
  3. General requirements for Project volunteers
    1. All Project volunteers (hereinafter – Locals) must be over 18 years of age.
    2. Locals are not required to have any professional skills and background in any field.
    3. To join the Project, the Local must fill in the registration form provided by the Organizer.The Local must meet the entry criteria outlined within the registration form in order to be chosen and accepted to the Project.
    4. By joining the Project, the Locals acknowledge and confirm they have evaluated the sensitivity of the Project (i.e., current events) and the fact that some Newcomers meetings may be emotionally challenging and could lead to difficult and sensitive topics such as politics, personal Newcomer experiences, etc. The Locals undertake to be calm and maintain a constructive meeting format in order to achieve the goals of the Project.
    5. Locals agree to receive an invitation and join a Facebook group, specifically created by the Organizer for the Project. The group is used as one of the tools to support Locals and to provide the Locals with the relevant information about the Project.
    6. Locals must respect the sensitive nature of the meetings with the Newcomers. The Local must respect the privacy and confidentiality of the meetings, the information shared by the Newcomers. Locals are forbidden to disclose any private and (or) confidential information disclosed during the meetings without a prior consent of the Newcomer as described in detail in Section 6 of these Terms.
    7. The Local understands and agrees that they are volunteering their time to the Project only, the Local has not been promised and does not expect any compensation or anything of value in exchange for volunteering from the Organizer or the Newcomer.
    8. Locals has the right to end volunteering at the Project at any time by giving the Organizer notice in writing at least three days before their next scheduled meeting with the Newcomer. The Newcomer under the Local are then assigned to another Local by the Project Organizer.
  4. Local and Newcomer meetings
    1. The Project is organized by using an automated system. Initial communication between the Local and Newcomer is done via website.
    2. Newcomers who wish to participate in the Project must fill in a questionnaire form by creating personal profile in the website. The Newcomer must provide their contact information (name, surname, e-mail, phone number) and meeting preferences.
    3. After the Newcomer submits the questionnaire, Newcomers will be able to choose Local and request for a mentorship.
    4. The system automatically will send out a confirmation email to both Local and the Newcomer about the match, with the contact information for the Newcomer and the Local. It is recommended for the Local to initiate the first meeting with the assigned Newcomer.
    5. It is recommended for the Local and the Newcomer to communicate and organize meetings at least twice in a month or more often, if possible. The format, time, frequency and the numbers of the meetings is chosen by the Local and Newcomer themselves.
    6. Locals are recommended to offer Newcomers 3 different available time slots for the first meeting. The Newcomer can choose one of the meeting times suggested by the Local.
    7. The Local and the Newcomer can plan the meetings to be held any day of the week (from Monday to Sunday). It is recommended to choose meeting times between 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
    8. The Organizer recommends the Local and the Newcomer to choose a public place for the meeting e.g., INTERNATIONAL HOUSE VILNIUS, Konstitucijos av. 3, unless both parties agree on an alternative meeting point beforehand.
    9. After the Newcomer is assigned to the Local and the first meeting time is suggested to the Newcomer, the topics for conversation and its’ effectiveness will depend mostly on the initiative of the Newcomers themselves. Although Locals may have their strong areas regarding how they could help the Newcomers, the issues to be discussed by the Local and the Newcomer depend only on what the Newcomer is willing to talk about and the scope of the meeting agreed upon by both of the parties. The Local and the Newcomer should mutually show initiative, patience, curiosity, the ability to lead a relationship, find meeting times suitable for both participants. It is suggested for the Newcomers to think about questions in advance and share them with the Local before meetings, so that the Local can prepare better.
    10. The Newcomer and the Local will be sent a meeting evaluation form by email. The Newcomer and the Local are not required to answer the questionnaire, but the Organizer highly suggests taking the time and submit answers so that the Organizer can improve the quality of the Project. This questionnaire will not be anonymous. The Organizer reserves the right to carry out an evaluation of the Project and send evaluation questionnaires to the Newcomer and the Local as it deems necessary.
    11. If for some reason the Newcomer or the Local is no longer able to participate in the meeting, he / she must inform the other party via the provided contact information (e.g., e-mail or website).
    12. In case a Newcomer relocates to a location outside of Vilnius City, their participation in the Project automatically ceases. Mentorship can be continued but only with a Local‘s consent. Nevertheless, mentorship continued this way is independent, i.e. falls outside of the Project framework. If a Newcomer moves outside of the territory of Vilnius City, a Local has a right to not continue with mentoring independently. In such cases, a Local, if willing to continue to participate in the Project, must update profile information and become available for a new Newcomer.
  5. Liability
    1. In no event shall the Organizer or any of its directors, employees be liable for consequential, indirect, incidental, punitive damages, cost expenses, or losses (including lost profits or opportunity costs), regardless of the form of action, damage, claim, liability, cost, expense, or loss, whether in Terms, statute, tort (including negligence), or otherwise.
    2. The Local and / or the Newcomer undertakes to indemnify and hold the Organizer, its directors, employees harmless from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and other expenses (including attorney’s costs and fees) arising or relating to any breach of any representation or obligation of the Local and / or Newcomer established in these Terms, and claim that the Local’s and / or Newcomer’s actions harmed or damaged a third party, or any intentional misconduct or negligence by the Local while performing any obligations under these Terms. In the event of any third-party claim, demand, suit, or action for which the Organizer is or may be entitled to indemnification under these Terms, the Organizer may, at their option, require the Local and / or Newcomer to defend such claim at the Local’s and / or Newcomer’s sole expense.
  6. Confidentiality
    1. Programme staff and Locals encounter personal and sensitive information about Newcomers. The Local undertakes to protect the identity and privacy of the Newcomers and not to disclose any confidential information to third parties.
    2. Confidential information disclosed by the Newcomers should never be discussed in the presence of third parties, except where permission was explicitly given by the Newcomers themselves.
    3. Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, the following:
      1. Any files and/or documents provided by the Organizer to the Local which contain confidential information;
      2. Information which could identify the Newcomers, including their names, emails, phone numbers or other contact information;
      3. Information relating to the Newcomer family members, family status;
      4. Information regarding the Newcomer’s immigration status;
      5. Information about the abuse, trauma, and/or persecution experienced by the Newcomers;
      6. Any other information that could identify or potentially place the Newcomers and (or) their family members at risk.
    4. Additionally, the Local undertakes to:
      1. Keep all communication between the Project staff, Locals, other volunteers, and Newcomers confidential;
      2. Not to disclose confidential information to a third party without the Newcomer’s consent to release such information;
      3. Not to disclose confidential information to a third party without the Organizers knowledge and consent.
      4. The Local undertakes to keep all information included in Section 6 of the Terms confidential throughout their term as a Local of the Project. The confidential information cannot be disclosed by the Local indefinitely after the end of their participation in the Project.
      5. The Organizer has the right to terminate Local’s participation in the Project if the Local is in breach of their confidentiality obligation established in this Section of the Terms.
  7. Personal data processing
    1. Local and Newcomer personal data will be processed by the Organizer in order to conclude and implement these Terms, carry out the Project, to comply with legal obligations incumbent to the data controller regarding these Terms. The personal data will also be processed based on the legitimate interest of the Organizer, which are the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.
    2. When processing personal data, the Organizer shall comply with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter – the “GDPR”), the Republic of Lithuania Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data and other legal acts governing privacy and protection of personal data.
        1. The following personal data of the Local may be processed by the Organizer:
        2. Name, surname;
        3. Contact details (phone number, e-mail address);
        4. Age;
        5. Gender;
        6. Family (marital) status;
        7. Spoken languages;
        8. Reasons to become a Local;
        9. Other information provided on the introduction to Newcomer section;
        10. Information provided by the Local on the meeting evaluation questionnaire.
    3. The following personal data of the Newcomer may be processed by the Organizer:
        1. Name, surname;
        2. Contact details (phone number, e-mail address);
        3. Country or origin;
        4. Age;
        5. Gender;
        6. Spoken languages;
        7. Employment status;
        8. Family (marital) status;
        9. Other information provided in the introduction to Local section;
      1. 4.10 Information provided by the Local on the meeting evaluation questionnaire.
    4. If the Local or the Newcomer cannot or will not provide the personal data established in clauses 7.3 and 7.4[AP1] , they will not be able to participate in the Project. The Local and the Newcomer confirm that the personal data provided to the Organizer is accurate and shall immediately inform the Organizer if the personal data provided by the Local and (or) the Newcomer is incorrect.
    5. The Organizer ensures that the employees or other persons working for it or under its control are obliged to maintain data secrecy and that they are forbidden by written obligation to process Local or Newcomer personal data that have come to their knowledge without authorization. The Organizer will treat Local and Newcomer’s personal data as confidential.
    6. The Organizer has implemented all necessary technical and organizational measures in sense of Art. 32 of the GDPR to ensure the security of Local and Newcomer’s personal data and the rights of the data subjects in meaning of Art. 15 – Art. 22 of the GDPR can be guaranteed in compliance with the provisions of the GDPR. The Organizer has ensured the appropriateness of the technical and organizational measures.
    7. The Organizer shall delete or return the Local or the Newcomer personal data and any copies of such as soon as the storage is no longer necessary for the Project fulfillment or fulfilling legal obligations the Organizer is subject to.
    8. More information about the processing of personal data, data subject’s right, etc. can be found in the Organizers privacy policy. Privacy policy can be accessed at: https://ihvilnius.lt/privacy-policy.
    9. By agreeing with these Terms, the Local and (or) the Newcomer confirm that they have familiarized themselves with the privacy policy, published on the Organizers website.
    10. If the Local or the Newcomer has any queries regarding the processing of their personal data, they can contact the Organizer at [email protected].
  8. Other provisions
    1. These terms are governed by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
    2. In the event of a dispute between the Organizer, the Local and / or the Newcomer concerning the interpretation, performance or termination of these Terms, the Organizer strongly encourages the Local and / the Newcomer to contact the Organizer in the first instance to attempt to resolve the disagreement amicably.
    3. If no amicable solution to the dispute is found, the Organizer and the Local and / or the Newcomer agree to refer the dispute to the courts of the Republic of Lithuania.
    4. These terms, as may be modified at the discretion of the Organizer from time to time, govern The Organizers relationship with the Locals and the Newcomers and as such the Organizer intends to rely upon the written terms as set out in them.
    5. If any provision of these Terms is held to be invalid or unenforceable by a competent court, the other provisions shall remain valid and in full force and effect.
    6. The Terms & Conditions were last updated on 8 September 2023.
  9. Data Processing Information
    1. What Data is Processed:
      The Organizer processes personal data provided by the Locals and Newcomers, including but not
      limited to name, surname, contact details (phone number, e-mail address), age, gender, family
      (marital) status, spoken languages, reasons for participation, and feedback provided in meeting
      evaluation questionnaires.
    2. How Data is Processed:
      The personal data is processed by the Organizer to facilitate the execution of the Localship project.
      This includes matching Locals with Newcomers, facilitating communication between participants,
      and conducting project evaluations. All personal data is handled in accordance with the GDPR and
      related Lithuanian data protection laws. The data is securely stored and access is restricted to
      authorized personnel only.
    3. Purpose of Data Processing:
      The Organizer processes personal data to manage and implement the Localship project, ensuring
      effective communication between participants, project evaluation, and the continuous improvement
      of the project. The data is also processed to fulfill legal obligations and protect the legitimate
      interests of the Organizer.
    4. Requesting Data Deletion:
      Participants have the right to request the deletion of their personal data at any time. If you wish to
      have your data deleted, please contact the Organizer at [email protected]. Upon receiving your
      request, the Organizer will ensure that your data is removed from the system unless it is required to
      be retained for legal or regulatory reasons.